Legal notices about the use of the site:

Welcome to (from now on also only "site").

The navigation and consultation of the site provide the user with the knowledge and respect of the legal notices written on this page.

The site is managed and maintained by Gema S.r.l. (from now on only GEMA), based in S.S. Goitese n. 39 - 46045 Marmirolo (MN), registered company at C.C.I.A.A. di Mantova , rea: 179728, al n. 01759530205 Register of Companies on 19-02-96 - C.F. - VAT no. 01759530205 - cap.soc i.v. 119.900,00

For information on making purchases, orders, shipments, refunds or withdrawals from the contract and for any other information regarding the services of the site visit the area CLIENT ASSISTANCE

You can always contact GEMA at the address

For any further legal information, please consult the General Terms and Conditions of Sale, Right of Acceptance and Privacy Policy.

Access, navigation and consultation of the site are carried out for personal and commercial purposes or otherwise professional purposes. GEMA invites anyone who visits the site for purposes other than personal ones and in particular for commercial purposes to refrain from any purchase.

In any case, the purchase made by a non-classified person as a final consumer of the purchased goods renders inapplicable the general conditions of sale and in particular the rights provided by the consumer protection law.

GEMA is not responsible for illegitimate use or for unlawful purposes of the material present on the site by third parties.

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